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Bam Castro

Head Coach

Bam is a proud veteran with an intense love of Olympic Lifting and helping people identify and achieve their goals. 

Bam is an accredited AWF Olympic Weightlifting coach, ASCA Strength and Conditioning Coach and Crossfit L1 Trainer. He understands the value of teaching proper body mechanics and will guide you to being the best version of yourself. 

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Athlete /Coach

Tara is a seasoned Olympic lifting competitor who, with the help of the pack, has attained State and National level lifting. She is dedicated to constant growth and is passionate about instilling a 'growth mindset' in herself and the pack. 



-Mum of 2

-40 years old Remedial Massage Therapist


"I joined CrossFit a year ago looking for a new challenge, but having never used a barbell before I was finding the technical aspect of lifting in classes difficult and felt like I was getting nowhere fast. Not wanting to injure myself through poor form, I signed up for my first Wolf Pack Barbell program. This program focused mainly on building my leg strength, by the end of the 12 weeks my deadlift weight had doubled and I could squat more than my body weight in both front and back squat positions. I was elated! After a short time I signed up for a second program, this time I wanted to concentrate more on technique and specific personal fitness goals, the program didn’t disappoint. Tailored exactly to my individual goals I started to see improvements quickly in my technical ability. By week 4 I was doing kipping handstand push-ups and kipping pull-ups, things I thought I’d never get. My body shape was changing too, I was becoming leaner, more toned and muscles more defined. My confidence under the barbell was also growing. By the end of the second program I had signed up for my first ever oly weightlifting competition, I still can’t quite believe it. Yeah it’s scary and I’m nervous but the coaches and team are so supportive and motivating that I feel able to take that leap out of my comfort zone and give it my best shot. I’m now following an Oly program specifically for the competition. Joining the WolfPack Team has educated me and changed me beyond recognition. The coaches are fantastic, always encouraging and particularly patient when I ask the same thing 20 times over until I get it. It’s actually helping me with my job too, as a remedial massage therapist I’m learning so much from the people around me and about injury prevention and management in a competitive environment. I’m so excited about the future and where Wolf Pack is taking me next."

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"I joined CrossFit a year ago, as I felt ready for a new challenge. I was doing Les Mills classes and feeling as though I was not progressing. I used to watch from behind the fence and see people swinging from the rigs and lifting heavy shit and think ‘wow, that is my next challenge. I joined WolfPack 10 weeks ago and am currently doing a 12 week Strength and Conditioning programme in the hope of improving my form and enhancing my overall fitness. 

The pack has been amazing- the programming and coaching has helped me believe in myself and find the confidence within myself.  

My strength has increased considerably and my main focus this year was to hone my gymnastics skill work- a highlight being able to complete double unders and toes-to-bar. My goals this year is to continue growing and progressing, ultimately competing in CrossFit competitions. 



Kristy is a dangerous mix of explosivity, power, strength and endurance... she is a lethal weapon. With training in Muay Thai, Strongman and Olympic Lifting, Kristy shows us that women really can have and do it all! 


"Oly lifting for me is a technical minefield. You can get through strongman with brute strength, even crossfit with general fitness, but Oly, you need patience. You need technique. You need belief. I wanted to start to Oly to sharpen my split jerk for strongman, then I realised just how much I enjoyed the technical side of Oly and if you’ve ever met me, I don’t like not to be able confidently perform a movement. So the Oly journey began..."

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